About Us

Our Mission & Vision

Our vision…

Under the Grace of God, Mount Tabor United Methodist Church will strive to be inspired in the Wisdom and the Way of the Word, to be a spirit-filled, forward-leaning community of believers whttps://mttaborministries.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/120422-Readings.pdfvelcoming in fellowship all of God’s people. We will be a people dedicated to intentional faith development in ourselves and our community through committed prayer and study of the Word of God, and in the Way of our Lord, Jesus Christ. We will love our God with all our heart, our soul, and our mind, and love our neighbors and our adversaries as we love ourselves.  May we forever journey in the Wisdom and Truth of the Lord.

Our mission…

The Mission of Mount Tabor United Methodist Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ of all nations and peoples for the transformation of the world. This mission is achieved when our congregation equips and empowers our people to be disciples of Jesus Christ in their homes and communities.

Visitors Q & A

What We Believe...

As a part of the United Methodist church, we adhere to a set of Bible-based and God inspired beliefs set forth by our denomination. To learn more about what United Methodists believe, CLICK HERE.

Where should I park? Is there handicapped parking?

We have plenty of parking available and also handicap parking.  All entrances to our buildings are handicap accessible. 

Which door should enter?

Enter any door close to you, there are signs posted directing  you once inside our church.

What should I wear?

We have a casual atmosphere, and want you to feel comfortable, we are glad to have you with us.

What should I expect?

A traditional worship service with organ, piano, singing the hymns, bible based preaching.  You can expect a joyous feeling with friendly greetings, coffee is available in our Narthex gathering area near the entrance of our sanctuary.  ALL ARE WELCOME AT MOUNT TABOR, IT IS GOD’S HOUSE FOR EVERYONE.

The stranger who sojourns with you shall be to you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself; for you were strangers in the land of Egypt:  I am the Lord your God.     Leviticus 19:34     


Is there Sunday School?

Sunday School starts at 10:00, Worship starts at 11:00


Is there Children's Church or a Nursery available?

Our nursery room is located across from the church office, near the front of the church, with a window looking directly into our beautiful sanctuary. We currently do not have children’s church, however our pastor has a children’s sermon during the worship hour,  we’d love to discuss anything you or your family may need to be comfortable and cared for while you worship with us.